A review by vegprincess
The Bridge to Brilliance: How One Principal in a Tough Community Is Inspiring the World by Nadia Lopez


4.5 stars. This is a good book, with just a few "slow" spots. Even though I'm not a teacher, I'm obsessed with books about education. I graduated from college long ago and I miss it. I'm always tempted to go back to school to get my teaching certificate, and this book made those feelings stronger. Ms. Lopez is an inspiration. The book made me think about and feel for all the kids who live in and attend school in underserved communities. It's easy to get lost in your own privilege and forget about those who can be killed just by going to a library that's not in their own "territory." My son attends a high school where every student is given a laptop while, just a few miles away, kids are going to schools that don't have enough books. My son and his friends can hop on their bikes and ride to a Chinese restaurant and sit down and eat a nice meal, while, just a few miles away, there are kids who can't even walk home without the fear of being shot. This book is a wake up call, both heartbreaking and hopeful. The kids who attend Mott Hall live in poverty and struggle every single day but, at the same time, they are blessed to have a principal who cares about them deeply and will do anything to make sure they succeed. Every school needs a Ms. Lopez.