A review by itadakinasu
Gretel by Christopher Coleman


Despite the 3-star rating, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Gretel. It reads a lot like a 2nd rate zombie movie plays: action-packed, gory, and thrilling. Likewise, it lacks a lot of character development and drags at points, relying mostly on plot twists that don't seem to add much to the story and gore to maintain the momentum. While some of the twists are significant and genuinely difficult to see coming, some felt forced and meaningless.

My primary complaint with Gretel is the lack of character development. The main character, Gretel, is the only one that undergoes any real development despite the circumstances. Her development is paced well and fleshed out nicely. However, Hansel and the other supporting characters don't receive even remotely similar levels of attention, thus making character reunions and relationships lack the oomph that could've been achieved, given the severity of hardships faced by the cast. This opportunity is especially missed for Gretel's mom, in my opinion.

Some secondary complaints include: too many fluff passages, a dry beginning, editing issues, and unnecessary plot twists. These things altogether detracted from the awesome story.

Overall, if Gretel had been properly edited and the development of supporting characters given some more thought, I would have happily given it a 5/5.