A review by rick2
Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever by Rick Wilson


I’ve been wanting to read this for awhile as the author and I share the same name. His popularity of late is kinda nice. As now, when potential employers google my name, I’m pretty much impossible to find. Invisibility by obscurity is easier than trying to erase college keg stands from ancient databases.

An entertaining mud-slinging affair with some political strategy thrown in. Very impressed with the fecundity Rick has for creative insults directed at the current administration. “Fecal Midas” and “policy depth of a Katy Perry video” come to mind. I don’t know that anything I read was groundbreaking, but I appreciate the confirmation of my existing beliefs nonetheless.

Edit, reread after doing a bit of freelance work for an unnamed campaign here in Texas. This holds up really well and I realized upon rereading that a lot of the mudslinging merely is there to sugarcoat some pretty scathing commentary. It’s more stylistic then substance-based. As my general opinion is that most “analysis” of the political science nature isn’t worth it’s weight in kindling, the fact that 95% or so of this book holds up is really impressive.