A review by maria_nanci
Nine Kinds of Naughty by Jeanette Grey


I won a copy of this book via a FirstReads giveaway.

Lexie Bellamy is definitely a woman in charge. She's helping run her family's business and can command a boardroom like no one else. She's also not used to needing anyone for anything. That is...until the dynamic changes with her assistant, Dane.

Dane is extremely competent in his job and seems to know exactly what Lexie needs. Being her assistant isn't his dream job, but due to past situations, it's where he currently finds himself. He's drawn to Lexie and when these two finally come together...holy hotness!!!

What I love about this couple is that Dane helps Lexie find a way to let go and relax. She's normally so uptight and self-reliant that it was nice to see her transformation. And I love that she was so inspiring to Dane and helped him make the necessary changes to have a happier life. This was a HEA that I was seriously cheering for!

This is the third book in the series and it can be read as a standalone. However, there is mention of Lexie's brother, Rylan and his fiancé, Kate, who star in the first two books. If you're like me, you'll definitely want to go back and read about that couple. And I'm hoping the author will let the other brother, Evan, have his own book next.