A review by shai3d
The Spring Cleaning Murders by Dorothy Cannell


I am not sure quite how I stumbled upon the seventh book in this series but I do want to give Ms. Cannell kudos due to the fact that I didn't even realize that it was part of a series until I went to write up this review. THE SPRING CLEANING MURDERS does a wonderful job of standing on its own.

This book is set in England so once I got used to everyone enjoying tea rather then a coffee I really enjoyed the story. Ellie has a bunch of interesting friends and family members that keep the story moving along at a nice clip as they attempt to figure out just who is killing charwomen. I was surprised to discover the actual villain at the end.

I think that any of my readers who are looking for a whodunit without a lot of graphic violence and no sex will quite enjoy this tale. Now I just need to find the rest of this series as I hate leaving Ellie behind.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.