A review by vanessa_issa
The Plus One Pact by Portia MacIntosh


Thanks to Boldwood Books for the ARC!

I've read a few books with fake-dating plots, so I thought I knew what to expect from this one. But I was wrong. This is my second book by Portia MacIntosh, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

Cara doesn't have much luck with dating apps. After lots of bad dates, she's truly about to give up. Someone named Chad matches with her and sends a few nice messages. Maybe this time things could be better? That's what she hopes for, since Chad seems to be the last decent man available. But, well, he's not. He stoods her up. Millsy (Joe Mills) notices right away what's happening at the bar and, feeling sorry for her, decides to introduce himself and make her company.

At first, she's not so sure what's happening. Is he hitting on her? Is he gay? Why is he inviting her to another club? And who was the girl he was talking to at the door? But he seems pretty nice, so she thinks, 'why not?'.

They soon become friends. Since he makes it clear that he doesn't a want a girlfriend and is just being friendly, she sees no problem in talking about guys and going out with him. She even kisses another man and tells Millsy, but it's all fine, because they're really just friends.

Their personalities couldn't be more different, but one thing they have in common: many events to attend this summer. Weddings, a gender-reveal party, birthdays, school reunion, family gatherings... And, for several reasons, they don't want to go alone. That's when the pact is made.

"'We’re not pretending we’re in love. We’re just plus ones.’
‘Just don’t go falling in love with me for real,’ Millsy playfully warns.
‘Wouldn’t dream of it,’ I reply."

Of course not. lol

It's hilarious how they have such bad luck and always ruin something at the events. My favorite accident was the one with the balloon (which, by the way, is something that I can actually see happening in real life).

So, they spend a lot of time together, they meet each others families and obviously, we know how this will end. But there's something special about these characters. I don't want to give any spoilers, but I need to say that Millsy does something really stupid in the beginning, and I love when she confronts him about that in the last chapter.

If you're expecting to find a couple desperate to have sex in every chapter, this will probably be a let down for you. In this book, the feelings actually come first. They need to go though a lot of stuff first before they realize that they're not just spending time together. They're not just friends. They're not just pretending.

I had a lot of fun! Nice read!