A review by lifeinthebooklane
Dirty Defiance by Brenda Rothert, Chelle Bliss


An amazing sequel to Dirty Work

When I signed up to review this book I thought I had read Dirty Work, I hadn't but luckily it was on my kindle so I read that yesterday. I'll state right now that to enjoy Dirty Defiance you need to have recently read Dirty Work. If I hadn't done so I don't believe I would have enjoyed this book as much as I did. I would have felt neither a connection to, nor the connection between, Jude and Reagan.

Dirty Defiance is set several years on from the end of Dirty Work and examines what happens when pursuing a life in public office means you can't always keep your promise to put the love of your life first. Just what will Reagan and/or Jude have to sacrifice, and will it be each other?

Oh my I didn't think it was possible but I do believe that Jude was even hotter and more alpha in this book! Reagan was just as strong in this book, and felt stronger even than Jude did. Neither character was perfect, but the choices they made when scared or angry were such very human and believable reactions that my love for this couple just grew.

This has a different feel to it, quite simply because it isn't a 'falling in love' read but a battling through the trials of life story. It was still totally captivating with it's excellent writing, good pace and unexpected little plot twists, in fact I enjoyed this more even more than DW. Nor is it as long a read as DW but then we didn't need any world or character building, so this is entirely plot focused.

This is a duet of books (or trio if you want to include the related Dirty Secret.) that I am only to happy to recommend. Their quality makes them stand out from the crowd and you really need to be adding them to your TBR list. Well done and congratulations to the authors for producing such a wonderful book.