A review by thegalinthetower
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


✨Where do I begin with this book?✨

I wanted to read Cinder since it first came out, and finally did it.

The idea of a post apocalyptic society mixed with science fiction elements and fairytales had me since the moment a friend mention the existence of this book to me.

I personally think that there are so many retellings of Cinderella, and normally I am not a big fans of those, but Cinder has my heart because it made something different. Call it thinking out of the box if you may.

I enjoyed reading Cinder story and the world building. I get so immerse in the story, that even though I could see the plot twist coming I enjoyed every single second of it.

I'm looking forward to read the next book, I have a vaguely idea of what is waiting for me but I'm prepared to be surprised