A review by theroguerebels
Victory's Price by Alexander Freed


“The war keeps going.”

- Wyl Lark

The final book in the Alphabet Squadron trilogy follows up on the groundwork laid by its predecessors in a big way. The book, like the others in the trilogy, is personal, heavy, and fulfilling all at once. Their growth. Their loss. Their trauma and victories. Alexander Freed continues to give these characters we’ve followed and grown with, real depth and complexity.

If you’ve enjoyed the series thus far, the final entry is well worth the journey.

If you’ve followed the pilots of Alphabet Squadron this far, I’d say this book is a must-read. I’d also add Hera fans to that list. This book, like the rest of the trilogy, gets into the choices, consequences, and weight on the people who fight it. Just like the title, Victory’s Price is definitely a theme deeply explored here.

I really enjoyed the entire trilogy, getting to know new dimensional characters, and reconnecting with a few old favorites. It’s really hard to dive into what makes this story unique without spoiling the entire trilogy. Suffice to say, this is a story built on its characters and their trials. If you want to experience the end of the war through the eyes of those who fight it, this is the trilogy for you.

Sal P.

“The Rebellion got dirty sometimes, but the dream was pure.”

- Hera Syndulla