A review by krysley
Double Dare by Jeanne St. James


This was more of a 3.5 star read for me, but I just couldn't make myself round up on this one. Goodreads really needs to allow for half stars.

This wasn't a bad menage book. I actually loved the interaction and relationship that was already established between Logan and Ty. But when Quinn was added into the mix I didn't see a great relationship development arc for Quinn, Logan, and Ty. A lot of it seemed to happen off the page and all the reader got was the sex scenes. This book could be a lot stronger if the author spent more time developing the relationships (especially for Ty since I think he got the short end of the stick) between the trio, have them talk more about something other than sex, and don't gloss over the getting-to-know-you stage. This wasn't a case of instalove, but I also didn't see how or why the three fell in love. They just did.

I understand that this is a menage book so I should expect a lot of sex. I do, and it has been pretty hot. But I wish there was more character development. I’m having a hard time keeping the names straight because other than their physical characteristics, there’s not a lot of other details we know about Quinn, Logan, or Ty other than broad brushstrokes. There is also a bit of immaturity in the characters, especially Quinn. For a grown woman in her 30s, she certainly acts like a teenager when it comes to her parents.