A review by thatdamnhoney
Witch World by Christopher Pike


I'm a HUGE Christopher Pike fan. Given that, this book was a huge disappointment for me. Granted, I'm only 40% through but I honestly hate the characters.

Yes, the story centers around teens - as most of his YA novels do (being YA) - but Jimmy is ridiculously irritating and his priorities and belief bounce around with no grounding whatsoever. His toxic masculinity here is so present and enabled by Jess that it just gets to be an endless cycle. Yes, this sounds like teenagers, but no it doesn't sound like the usual teen characters in a CP book.

Someone mentioned that this was possibly ghost written as it is one of the worst CP books they read and I'm leaning towards agreement here. Aside from the base plot, nothing feels like his style. The writing, the dialogue, the characters... something just feels OFF. Either that or he's just lost the passion for it and just phoned this one in. IDK.

I haven't finished it. I'm really going to try to because I have a deep love of his writing, but it's a struggle and I'm really doubting I'll make it through to the end. I also doubt it'll be worth the fight to finish. I'm not invested in any of these characters succeeding. I just dislike them.