A review by vondav
Sussex Horrors: Stories of Coastal Terror and other Seaside Haunts by Rayne Hall, Mark Cassell, Jonathan Broughton


Three horror authors who live in the Sussex area, get together and publish 12 short stories. With various length and a different topics, each story is had its only scary interpretation of the coast
Some of my favourites were:
Seagulls by Rayne Hall. Living by the coasts, I am used to seagulls and I have a cheeky one who will sit watching us at my kitchen door. Knowing how dangerous they can be especially when they dive at you for your food, this story plays on your fears. It shows the evilness of the birds and I did have a snigger at the end as I could imagine some of my feathered friends doing this.
The Rebirth by Mark Cassell: A wooden egg and a nasty surprise. I like how throughout you are following Kelly as she tries to rescue one of her students. The descriptive style makes you feel as you are walking Kelly steps. Whilst this is not graphic is has that creepy feel to it and will make your imagination work overtime.
You have one message by Jonathan Broughton: With more of us reliant on technology and the majority having a smartphone attached to their hands. This story is like a peephole into the future. With not much explanation to what caused the phenomenon, this may put you off using too much tech.
That is just 3 stories that I liked but I enjoyed the majority of them . Normal Considering the Weather reminded me of most summers up here where we can get an infestation of flies where even fly spray will not kill them. Furzby Holt has a population of very aged characters and Away in a Mangler had a different take on mass production for those little trinkets that you buy whilst on holiday.
This was a quick read and I finished it in one sitting. Only being familiar with one author it was great to find some other authors for me to follow. A good British horror read