A review by miguelf
The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism by Thomas Frank


Thomas Frank has fewer airtime and media appearances these days, something he always seems to mention in those rare appearances he does make. It’s likely because his message doesn’t appeal to either current conservative or popular progressive ideology which is ironic given his message here of populism as a positive influence on society. In this book Frank dwells on both the original US populist wave in the 1890’s and the later one during the depression, both of which ushered in many of the benefits we take for granted today like the 5 day work week and social security. He shows how populism was turned on its head in starting in the 60’s in favor of elite opinion. It’s a very strong and thoughtful argument and fits squarely with a more class based approach to political and social issues as opposed to one drawn on cultural ones. A message that few seem willing to hear.