A review by mikewhiteman
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #233 by Marissa Lingen, Scott H. Andrews, Mel Kassel


Across Pack Ice, A Fire - Marissa Lingen ***
Establishes an interesting political world and the sorcery using different colours and dyes was a neat touch. The idea of revenge beyond simply killing the ones who have killed your own family/friends and repeating the cycle, despite knowing the risks of escalation, was a strong point but nothing in the writing or characters really hooked me.

Gallows Girl - Mel Kassel ****
Fascinating idea that the world is somehow drained of innocence and the eponymous girls must give a part of theirs to criminals as they are hanged, to allow them to die well. The process of this transfer is brutal and capable girls are in high demand. Kal is believable in her resentment for the system she finds herself in due to her sister's talent and the fantastic elements are powerfully visceral. Would love to read more of this world.