A review by bookarina
The Orc Prince Trilogy Omnibus Edition by Lionel Hart


Okay ?

It wasn’t anything amazing.
The writing style was hard to get into, I found myself bored at times and there were a few grammatical/structural errors in the books.
The ending for each of them was off, rushed and also the first book was just a mess.
What I mean by the first book being a mess is that if I had not bought the omnibus edition I would’ve not continued reading the series, it was all over the place and it felt like the author ran out of ideas/ didn’t know how to connect the ideas they did have.
The first novel was messy and the ending makes me believe the author did not think this would become a trilogy, frankly a lot could’ve been cut out and it could’ve just been one bigger book instead of three.
While some scenes are not badly connected to one another, a lot of them are too rushed, too slow or lack something that would make you interested to learn more about what is happening.
The third half of the third book (what a mouthful) was also weird, things were happening too fast when the rest of the books had been so slow. There was never a moment in this series when the pacing was just perfect.
Overall not a great series, to my biggest disappointment I did not like it…

Standing between a 1.5-2/5 stars for me.