A review by beckymmoe
Mr. Right Goes Wrong by Pamela Morsi


This was my second book by Pamela Morsi, and I have to say I liked it just as much as the first ([b:The Lovesick Cure|13547969|The Lovesick Cure|Pamela Morsi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1337937051s/13547969.jpg|19113130])--that is to say, quite a bit!

Second chance stories are always some of my favorite reads, and this one was no exception. Mazy and Eli were never really "together"--at least in her mind. Though he has loved her for years, he's always been her best friend and rebound guy. Even when the book started and Mazy moved back home and they first got back together, it was obvious that she wasn't seeing him as an option for real relationship material.

Eli's plan to get her to take him seriously works (pretend to be a "bad boyfriend" a la the blog-o-verse)--sort of. I have to admit that at times what he did made me laugh, though just as often his actions made me cringe. (And more than once I just sat there, my mouth hanging open in "oh no he didn't" fashion. He did.) He absolutely took it too far, and I cried a bit inside when his actions had Mazy doubting herself again. (If only Eli's dad could talk! I'm sure he would have reined him in before it got to that point--though I suppose then Eli probably wouldn't have confided that much to him anyway, so...)

On the other hand, Eli's actions did have some positive implications. For one, he started standing up for himself more in other areas of his life--especially with his brother, who worked for him and took major advantage of Eli--which was definitely a change for the good. Mazy really wasn't seeing Eli as a relationship material and by not being so over-the-top eager to please as he'd been in the past, how she saw him was finally changed.

(Though she definitely had inklings all along that something was going on. Eli couldn't keep the "bad boyfriend" bit going all the time, and those glimpses confused Mazy, but also gave her hope.)

Do I agree with all of his choices? Heck no. Does he make up for them in the end? I think so. And her initial reaction to finding out the truth is spot on, and well deserved. ;)

In a nutshell--we have two characters who both need to learn, make mistakes, and grow to get to a place where they can be together and work on an HEA. They do all of the above, and on top of that it's an entertaining read. Sign me up for the next book by Pamela Morsi!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.