A review by alexiasophii
The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells by Skye Alexander


So even though I have a couple of years of practice on my back, I always like to read books for beginners so I can have an idea of what's out on the market and what new books I can recommend!

This book wasn't too bad compared to some others that I've been reading. Here are the main takes that I collected throughout my readings. Besides what I say below, it's not a bad beginner's books. Wish it had a bibliography at the end with more recommendations, which also doesn't. That's a point I did not like either.

- Love the fact that she talks about Personal Ethics and a Personal Code and all. Not many books talk about that and it's such an important part of our practice, to know what we're comfortable with and not comfortable.
- Gives great advice for solitary practices and for the solitary path.
- Gives very good advice for searching and looking up for a coven. The last chapter is fantastic.
- Gives simple and not too complex information about several themes.
- Gives a wide range of spells and magical workings that can be used in personal practice.

- A bit too focused on Wicca. Even though the author tries to separate Wicca from Witchcraft it always goes back to Wicca whether in Ethics or in Festivals.
- Focus a lot on self-development and talks about "The Secret", Law of Attraction and other coaching techniques which I think wouldn't be needed in this type of book.
- In the "Omens" chapter the author should have said that not everything is a divine sign. Sometimes life just sucks or stuff just happens, doesn't mean it's a sign.
- Talks that Magic is a way to avoid problems and bring blessings and it's not just that. You can't avoid all problems in life, you gotta face them. Magic might help, but it's not a holy grail solution.
-Talks that "everyone has done magic" because everyone has thoughts. Magic isn't just thoughts. You don't think of being rich and suddenly have a truck of money at your door. Magic is intent and action towards that intent. It's not just thinking about it.
- I didn't like that she said that gods were made up imagination from people back in the days, but I kinda get the message she was passing. She could've worded it better tho.
- Talks A LOT about Angels. From circle casting to elementals, to cardinal points, the woman goes on and on about Angels and Archangels. I hate seeing Christian entities mixed with Witchcraft, especially a book so focused on Wiccan-based Witchcraft.
- The author talks about the Pagan paths like they're a magical buffet you can just come and pick. Doesn't mentioned closed practices, even though it mentions Hoodoo and Santeria.
- Doesn't give information on taking care of crystals. Some crystals cannot be subjected to water or salt or even solar light/heat due to the chemical composition and hardness and people need to know that, the author doesn't mention and just tells people to "pass it through running water" or "put it in the sun".
- No bibliography or additional recommendations and sources.