A review by katleap
A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe


3 stars

I received an e-ARC copy of A Mortal Song from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted to love this book so bad. It had all the elements I liked. It had an interesting plot line and the world building made sense. I was really happy that the setting was in Japan and the cast was all Japanese. It’s also fantasy and the kami culture was interesting, especially because kami’s are real things. I especially thought that the blend of urban fantasy and mythology worked well.

I was really interested in Sora. The feeling of displacement and how does she fit into the only world she knows but is not really a part of. I also really liked Chiyo. She gets hit with the “you are a kami” punch and totally rolls with it. She is not afraid to try this thing and is never whiney about it. Sora and Chiyo are two sides of the same of coin and I liked the idea of how the two of them could be friends and maybe sisters.

The actual worse thing about the book was Kenji. I loathed that character. Every time he opened his mouth I wanted to punch him. He would figure something out and then blab about it. Sora would be unhappy at him and then think he was cute. I just couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t see any real reason for him, except to make Sora feel like the human world could be home because she fell in love with him. I didn’t like Kenji as a character or the romance.

Overall I liked but the book but I didn’t really connect to it. I kinda felt that I was in a Japanese anime and I never lost that feeling. I think that it is a me thing and I because I couldn’t get over it, I wound up coloring the whole book with it. I did enjoy the book but not as much as I could have.