A review by jakegreyxx
Please Don't Hug Me by Kay Kerr


I've wanted to read this book for YEARS and I was super excited to finally be able to. I saw it at work just after it first came out, and never came across it again, but managed to order a copy recently.
This was another one I found pretty easy to read. I was reading it everywhere, including in the kitchen and on the way to the bus stop. It was incredibly comforting to see a character state their difficulties with being autistic on-page, and in a way that didn't skim or brush around it. There were quite a few moments where I had a "YES" moment in response to something Erin was experiencing or talking about. The way this book talks about autism is incredibly important, and definitely something we need more of.
This book follows Erin as she's decided to write letters to her brother as a way of helping her process him no longer being around. It talks about how some experiences are made for different types of people and not everyone is suited to the same things, the ways being autistic can affect aspects of your life, relationships (family, friends, coworkers, romantic), and, of course, grief and loss.
I would definitely recommend checking this book out if it looks like something you might enjoy (but make sure to have some doughnuts handy for a reading snack)