A review by vondav
Larry by Adam Millard


OMG what can I say about this book, I have never laughed so much whilst reading a horror book.
Larry ‘Pigface’ Travers loves his pig mask and his axe, he is your typical slasher that wields his axe at Camp Diamond Creek. In the late 70s he was a name that teenagers feared after hacking over 100 teenagers to death. Jump forward 30 years and he is back to scratch his killer itch. You can just imagine an old man hobbling around the camp killing teenagers, coughing and wheezing talking to his pig mask which after 30 years as decided to talk to him. If you watch slasher films then you know the #1 rule, ‘The Final girl does not get killed’, but does Larry stick to this golden rule.
There are plenty of comedy scenes in this book and one of my favourites is the scene with the Hillbilly at the petrol station. The one liner at the end of this scene was hysterical.
Joking aside this book is really well written and I read it in one sitting as I wanted to see how Larry could pull off more killings. The death scenes were gory and the description of each death was written in a way which made you feel as you were watching a slasher film. The story although following the guidelines of the classic slasher films was original and I would love to know where he got the idea of a pig mask.
I am glad that Larry II is out as I want to know how Pigface can return, although I have my ideas. If you love horror or just want a laugh, then buy this book. WARNING read this book in the comfort of your own home as you may get funny looks from members of the public if you break out into fits of laughter whilst reading it