A review by shrrawat
Liar by Justine Larbalestier


I have read Justine Larbalestier books in the past, and have enjoyed them. She knows how to do humor and fantasy very well. I was interested in this book because I thought that she was finally branching out into realistic fiction. Boy, was I wrong. Since many have already stated this so-called "spoiler" in previous reviews I have no inhibitions in stating...

The main character is a werewolf.

So, what went from being a potentially marvelous tale about a compulsive liar and how she deals with her boyfriend's death, became yet another Larbalestier drama about the supernatural and its effects on her character's lives. The prose was broken, sloppy, and just plain terrible. And it didn't even have any humor to make it tolerable.

Normally it takes me a day, three tops. This one took me three weeks to finish, mainly because I didn't want to pick up this book again. It was only my resolution to never leave a book unfinished again that pulled me through.

In short, for those of you who are thinking about reading this book, don't. It's simply not worth the time, energy, or the headache.