A review by mrfrank
Exponential Apocalypse by Eirik Gumeny


Eirik Gumney is the clown prince of storytelling. In Exponential Apocolypse he continues his humorous sci fi storytelling this time in a series with a post post apocalypse bend. This kicks off a new whacky series with the signature humorous style unique to Gumney.

I had read Gumney's Screw The Universe prior to EA. This book continues the slspstick but there is a more mature storytelling vibe as well. The story is one cohesive tale as opposed to STU's threaded short story structure. This is the first in a longer series which I look forward to delving further into.
My one critisim is the repetition of the characters lengthy names. The incrssant writing out of the many characters full names was distracting. The longerbit went on on the book, the more I felt like it was a cheap attrmpt at bumping up the word count. The use of shorter nicknames would have been beneficial to the reader I believe..
If you enjoy light hearted fiction you should reaf this and anything else by Eirik Gumney. Barely a paragraph goes by without Gumney tringbto pry a smile out of you. Its a rare and endearing talent and Eirik Gumney is a rare and talentedcwriter.