A review by ellierichards90
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell


Actual rating 4.5*

This is the third David Mitchell novel that I've read, and I've once again found that he's lived up to the hype!

To avoid spoilers I won't talk about the plot in detail, other than to say what might seem like a conventional story at the beginning goes down a very strange path! It's difficult to classify "The Bone Clocks" as being a particular genre as it has elements of many, but I really enjoyed the books more fantastical moments.

In his usual style, Mitchell does a great job of presenting multiple narratives and linking them together. This has just missed out on being a 5* book for me as there were a couple of moments were I felt the story dragged a little, but for the most part the book is very well paced.

Of what I've read of his work so far, I would suggest starting with "Cloud Atlas" or "Ghost Written" rather than this if you are new to Mitchell's work, but if you're already a fan this is an essential read.