A review by surrahsee
All the Ways We Said Goodbye by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, Karen White


** Some spoilers ahead**

I loved this book! The characters, the setting, their demise- all of it! I've read a lot of alternating timelines lately and frankly, i'm getting sick of them, but this one worked so well! I enjoyed how all the stories intertwined and trying to figure out what was going to happen next. My heart broke for Aurelie and Max. I kept hoping that it would end differently- that somehow they somehow ended up together or that Daisy, later, would get more time with Max. I did the same for Drew and Babs, and I'm glad they did work out.

The only confusing part was one timeline is WWI and another is WWII. I listened on audiobook, so sometimes moving from one to another, especially when those timelines were back to back, I would get a little lost. But I was usually able to rewind and pick up again. A second complaint, if you will, is Precious. I feel like i'm missing part of the story. She just latched on to Babs in the beginning and she goes along with it. Then, Precious alludes to her past a lot, but we never hear more. I kept waiting to hear how Precious's lost love was intertwined with everyone, but it never came. Nor did any explanation of Precious in general, other than the reveal at the end.

I have the Glass Ocean and am reading that soon. After reading the synopsis for that, I feel like I should have read Glass Ocean first, then read this one, though it is not listed as a series.

I definitely recommend reading this book!