A review by rachelsb00kreviews
Summer of '69 by Elin Hilderbrand


Summer of ’69 by Elin Hilderbrand
Read: June 24 — 27 (Book Review Pages: https://www.facebook.com/rewbookreviews OR Instagram: @rewbookreviews)

I’ve had this book sitting around for quite a long time now and thought it would be finally great to read now that summer is here. While I felt it took me a good while to read, once I got into it, I really enjoyed it and I am willing to bet this won’t be the only Elin Hilderbrand book I read. I think it was great summer read about an iconic time in our country. I rate it with 4⭐️ because it was a slower one for me but I think it was still a really good story about the generations of the Nichols/Foley/Levin family.

I loved the very different POVs of the mother and her three daughters, who have their own unique summer experiences and each become more interesting as the story progresses. All of them have a secret or a story to tell and that is what kept the book going…I had to know who did what or what was going to be the next delicious bit of drama added to this complex novel. It truly is an immersive read set on the ideal Nantucket for summer and tells a beautiful but complicated story of how the women of one family can be vastly different.

Being set in 1969 and to quote the synopsis, times they are a-changing. This book really shows how with the various themes throughout and explores so many elements of that era. It brings you back in time with various references to music including Woodstock, popular books or magazines, shows and movies. It shows how the society viewed racial differences, gives focus to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, and most importantly the war in Vietnam is the first thing that this book brings into the story. It’s extremely well done and thought out to make the reader think about the way things have changed over time but also just enjoy the various little details that are historically relevant.

Have you read this great summer-y vibe book? If so, what were your thoughts and who was your favorite character? And if you’re older, did you find this book a fun blast to the past?