A review by shoba
Suldrun's Garden by Jack Vance


An epic tale of kings and knights, wizards and fairies and ambitions and betrayals.

The Princess Suldrun of Lyonesse, is under house arrest and forced to consider an undesirable marriage.
“‘Suldrun refused to look toward her father. "I am made out to be something I do not choose to be."
"You do not enjoy the admiration of men?"
"I have done nothing admirable."
"Nor has a rose, nor a sapphire of many facets."
"They are ornaments; they have no life of their own.’”

Prince Aillas, Suldrun’s betrothed, and father of their son, Dhrun, fights to regain the throne of Troicinet and to find his son. Aillas, with the help of the magician Shimrod, seeks Duke Carfilhiot, the man who is holding his son hostage.
"….My own quest can wait an hour or two." The Never-fail still dangled from his wrist. He glanced at the index, then again, incredulously. "Look you at the tooth!"
"Now it points south!"
Aillas turned slowly to Shimrod. "Carfilhiot drove south with two children: what are their names?"
"Glyneth and Dhrun."

Duke Carfilhiot is defeated and the now King Aillas is reunited with his son.  However war with King Casmir of Lyonesse, father of the now deceased Princess Suldrun, seems  imminent.
“‘Did you find his face familiar?" An arch and meaningful smile trembled along Brother Umphred's lips.
Casmir glared at him. "As a matter of fact, I did. What of it?"
"Do you recall the young man who insisted that I marry him to the Princess Suldrun?"
Casmir's mouth sagged. He stared thunderstruck, first at Brother Umphred, then out across the sea. "I dropped him into the hole. He is dead."
"He escaped. He remembers."
Casmir snorted. "It is impossible.’”