A review by lreay89
Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb


It took me a lot longer to read this book then the previous books I have read about the Realm of the Elderlings. I think that is more to do with the fact that I got to saturation point, I had just read too much too quickly and needed a break from reading and the world for a while and was not a reflection on the quality of the story. Also I was missing the characters from the Live Ship series quiet a bit and shifting the reading style back to first person (which is my least favorite way to read a book) was a bit of a shock to my system.
It could have been also that psychologically I didn't want to read about Fitz getting hurt again. The ending of the Farseer Trilogy was nicely squared off with Fitz finally getting to do as he pleased and live to a ripe old age unmolested by fear and sadness so going back to his character and knowing that he was going to have to deal with a whole heap of negative stuff was actually quiet hard for me, even more so because currently I am dealing with some intense personal stuff.
Fitz being put into some uncomfortable positions starts off fairly quickly in this book with visits from the Fool and from Chade, culminating in him going off on another quest this time to bring Prince Dutiful back to Buckkeep.
As usual the characterisation and the descriptions of the world that Fitz and the other characters inhabit is amazing and probably contributed to me needing a little break from reading the story for a bit. I always feel such intense emotion when I am reading [a:Robin Hobb|25307|Robin Hobb|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1397885202p2/25307.jpg] books. My favourite characters where also back, with the Fool taking a more prominent role in this book.
Dutiful is also a fascinating character and someone who I look forward to getting to know more in the rest of the books.
This book isn't as long as some of the other Elderling series books which is great. This book seemed to get to where it was going with less meandering around the houses and the reminders of past events where less obtrusive in this book, but that could also be because I have taken longer to read this book and had a break so the reminders where helpful to refresh my memory rather then being annoying.
Spoiler My heart absolutely broke when Nighteyes passes away. Robin dealt with this sensitively and I think at a good point in Fitz's story. Like all good things they must come to an end and Nighteyes was given the correct send off without any messing around of could he be dead oh no hes survived - repeat. Fitz's intense grief is also very well dealt with. I miss Nighteyes already but it was definitely a good decision to let him leave the story.

I am now intrigued to see Fitz in the role of tutor rather then learner and cant wait to see how his experiences as a child will affect his relationship with Dutiful.
Thank you Robin for another powerful book.