A review by everybody
Shadow Hunter by B.R. Kingsolver

Did not finish book.
If you try to sell us an uber assassin trained from childhood that went around the world eliminating high profile targets for some sinister organization please don't make her a girly hysterical bundle of nerves in stressful situations.
You can't eat the cake and have it too. Either you have a damsel in distress or you have a badass. Pick one.
Being a trained and brainwashed agent that has no idea of how to live a normal life and deal with concepts like compassion or friendship is a common trope that nonetheless can be enjoyable if executed well but you have to keep your characters consistent.
This is something I see all the time and I just can't comprehend how no one seems to be bothered by it.
The writing is decent but the plot is weak and full of holes.

Another common flaw that annoys the hell out of me is this weird split in maturity. One second they act like teenagers and the next they have a serious heart to heart that sound like straight out of what I imagine a bad "how to be an adult" self-help book would sound like. Extremely stilted and unnatural. Usually, I associate this flaw with YA but this book might as well be tagged as YA considering how it is overflowing with ya tropes.

Ultimately it all goes the typical cringy and clichée "with the power of friendship" yadda yadda route which is where I gave up.