A review by redpandavivi
The Boy I Love to Hate by Emily Lowry


Interesting plot, but poor story

Ugh, what is it, the second heroine in a row I didn't like. She was judgey and quickly jumped to conclusions. Oh, drama, she dated her previous boyfriend for entire month and after he dumped her it so much stirred her up that she lost every last hope in humanity (strike that) jocks. Okay let's use some of her smart thoughts.

"I’d made unfair assumptions."
"Maybe I needed to check myself and stop being so judgmental." Yeah, girl, you should.
"He was so much more than what I'd given him credit for. I’d misunderstood him so completely."

Unexpectedly, hero was very sweet and unrealistically good. I think he had no flaws at all. And in comparison to heroine it was... Eh... Annoying. And his drama was so exaggerated. Hey, you star athlete? What, you self-taught yourself to play guitar? Wow. You wrote a song? No way, it's so cool. Wait, what? You think it's lame for some reason and everyone would judge you? (Well heroine definitely would, because she kinda like this). But seriously wtf? Since when playing guitar is something you might be ashamed for? Sigh.

Also I think it was attempt hate-to-lovers, but hero didn't hate heroine, he was snarky, but very kind to her all the time. Well, till the time he ghosted her.

Anyway, ending was so quickly wrapped up, we didn't see them like a couple (almost) the conflict with parents was resolved instantly. They had their hfn (because they teenagers), so why I feel so unsatisfied?

Oh, and probably YA not my thing, they kissed very pg at the end of the book and that was it.