A review by danubooks
The Gatekeeper by James Byrne


I picked up the second outing in this series and read it first, but it didn’t matter. Desmond Aloysius Limerick is known to his friends as Dez…but to his opponents, he is a one man force of nature that can throw one heck of a spanner in the works when the need arises. We first meet Dez when he still worked as a “gatekeeper”…a for-hire expert in not just gaining entry into places real and virtual, but controlling those points of entry so that he and he alone ensures that only those he allows may enter, they can stay as long as has been agreed, and all who enter will leave as safely as they entered. The amount of skill sets, tricks, and anticipatory vision that the role requires is mind-boggling. Dez has left that world behind, though, and had come to America to play some music, soak up some sun, and stay away from the dangers of his previous profession. Well, he managed two out of the three. After a gig one night, he sees a spectacularly beautiful woman, way out of his league. When she (and her two bodyguards) end up in his elevator, he summons his most charming smile and asks if she might like to join him for a drink…nothing ventured, nothing gained, after all. She declines, but far more gently than most would. It is that kindness which has him interceding hours later when a group of men try yo take her hostage. That is the first, but far from the last, spanner he throws into a series if connected actions that involve multinational business enterprises, home grown white supremacists, and what might be a plan for part of California to secede.
Dez is a shorter Jack Reacher with a quick tongue and a wicked sense of humor; an Orphan X without all the angst, and all-in-all a new hero where the action never stops, the charm is off the charts, and the moral center is strong as steel. If a mate needs help, he helps; if an opponent plays fair, so will Dez; but make no mistake, if Dez is on the opposing side of your issue, you are in very deep…doodoo. Having finished the sequel, “Deadlock”, I ignored my ever-growing TBR pile and picked up a copy of “The Gatekeeper”…i dint want my enjoyment to end. I won’t tell you to read the two backwards as I did, but do grab them both!