A review by smit1286
Dory Fantasmagory by Abby Hanlon


This books is definitely one of my favorite books I've read aloud this year. The writing is creative, yet relatable and the illustrations are absolutely hilarious. Some people may find the tone of Dory's siblings a little mean or off-putting, but it didn't bother me in the least. You'll have to judge that one for yourself. I personally found the book totally amusing. It even held my 4-year-old son's attention and he is not one for chapter books just yet. I think he could relate to the overactive imagination and, of course, the fact that there were pictures on most pages really helped out. It's a great book for kids who are just starting to develop the attention span for longer books. It would also make a great first chapter book for children ready to tackle something beyond basic readers. The words are manageable, the pictures break up the text and aid in comprehension/deciphering the text, and the chapters aren't overwhelmingly long. After I finished reading it, my 7-year-old son picked it up and started to reread it. Can't ask for a bigger compliment that that!