A review by shiradest
Race Matters by Cornel West


He hit the nail on the head, several times. By explaining the nihilistic threat to the existence of the Black Community, he finally gave me words for those feelings of despair that I condemned so often as I was growing up (at the same time as I cursed my parents and myself for having too-light skin): that hopelessness and the constant complaints about the Salvadorean boat-people coming over and taking our jobs, about them not listening to Dad just because he was Black, about having two strikes against us as Black Women, and about how lucky I was to be light-skinned because I would get more job, except that it doesn't always work that way. And my own desperate attempts to make the system work, as the Lt. Col. used to say, but I found that outside of Jr. ROTC, that didn't generally work, either. And now I have the words and the analysis to understand why.
Thank you, Cornel West.
I do have to disagree mildly with his statements that there was never much cooperation between Black folks and Jewish folks. Please see my book (ok, yes, it is a short book but a book-sized book, nonetheless) on the subject, with examples, of Black-Jewish cooperation in DC both before and during the 60s: [b:Stayed on Freedom's Call: Cooperation Between Jewish And African-American Communities In Washington, DC|21532511|Stayed on Freedom's Call Cooperation Between Jewish And African-American Communities In Washington, DC|Shira Destinie Jones Landrac|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1396843051s/21532511.jpg|40860923]