A review by misslover
Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent


I love you, Kaylee. More than I've ever loved anyone. More than I will ever love anyone. If I could freeze this moment in time and never have to let you go, I would do it without a second thought. -- Todd

*** Please be aware that there may be some small, tiny spoilers in this review ***

This is a moment where I literally don't have the accurate words to explain the emotions and feelings moving around in my head. As all of us already know, this series does nothing but surprise, shock, and amaze us. So why should any of us feel surprised at exactly how we would be feeling after this book?

There are 3 important aspects of this book that I really need to get into.


Unfortunately, hoping this doesn't disappoint a lot of you, but we literally get to be introduced to every single character that we have had the opportunity to meet since the beginning of the series. To say that is a welcome heartfelt reunion, is totally up to you to determine. I loved how everyone was mixed up into this crazy amazing train-wreak. Okay , maybe not all of it was a train wreck. *cough*Todd&Kaylee*cough*

Wow, what more can I say with these two? We all knew that at the end of IID, Todd and Kaylee had their bitter-sweet moment and we learned their real feelings and how their relationship came into effect. What I loved about this book compared to all the others? It was so much more... affectionate. Way more "touchy-feely" was more....adult? But not really. The chemistry that Nash and Kaylee had at the beginning was amazing. You could tell how much they liked each other and you knew how attracted they were to each other. But honestly? It doesn't even come close to the chemistry Todd and Kaylee have. We got so many steamy private moments between the two that Nash and Kaylee barley got.
SpoilerPlus they finally get the REAL thing *wink wink* ;)

Nash. How could he not feel the way that he does? Honestly, he's been through hell and back and it never got any better for him. Unfortunately, he still thinks that somewhere deep down Kaylee will return to him. It's sad, really sad. The worst part? I almost wish they would. I have never lost the love I had for Nash since the beginning. Technically Nash is the reason Kaylee was even able to handle everything she learned about herself. Yes he fell off the deep end, yes he screwed up horribly but guess what? Who hasn't? I think that makes him the most real person out of all of them. I know Todd and Kaylee are so much better for each other, but I will never lose the hope that somewhere, locked away, Nash and Kaylee will still have something there.

In the midst of all that comes Sabine. Oh "Bina" for once I feel sorry for her. She has done nothing but be there for Nash 100% and shes done a damn good job at that. She is still a bitchy, snotty, rude, bold, and straight up honest person since we first met her. The kind of (and I mean KIND of) good part about her this time around? Her and Kaylee are finally starting to become "friends." Okay maybe that's not the best word, but it's getting to be pretty damn close.

We get to meet the new character Luca, who we all first got introduced too in the Novella of [b:Never to Sleep|12866441|Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers, #5.5)|Rachel Vincent|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1322147449s/12866441.jpg|18018609]. Yeah I will admit he's pretty great. We learn that he is a necromancer. He can sense the dead. Not "see" the dead, but feel their presence. I wouldn't say I disliked him, but he didn't really grow on me as much as I wanted him too.


Since almost the first couple of pages things already swirled into disaster. I didn't feel like I could stop and take a breath for the life of me. Between Kaylee trying to act like she never died, attend school, and try and ignore all the gossip of "the girl who survived a stabbing from their math teacher", she has to deal with her new job that gave her the chance to even pretend to be living again. With that it felt so good to see her try and mend the relationships that slipped away, and make the ones she still had grow bigger. Kaylee's dad grew a huge soft spot inside of me and I love where he and Kaylee stand. Who wouldn't want a dad like him? Nash and Kaylee finally mend some of the broken heartedness and slowly, slowly grow back some of their friendship. With new twists and new surprises nothing was expected. I had my gasp-out-loud moments, my omg-did-that-just-happen blurbs and yes I even had a few teary eyed moments.

The ending

Really? Honestly? That just happened? Why? How? Who? When? Where? Okay, so maybe I didn't ask all those questions but I did have a brain melt down. I felt like everything was led up to this big huge recovery and BAM an invisible arm grabbed me and threw me to the floor and told me to sit and wait. Yeah, I guess that just about summarizes it. So what am I suppose to do?

Why sit and wait forever of course!! Until we can see exactly how this world and lives are ending. By ending, I mean happily ever after right? RIGHT?! *Sigh*