A review by bootman
Liars & Outliers: Enabling the Trust That Society Needs to Thrive by Bruce Schneier


This was a really interesting and unique book about trust. I’ve been really interested in the topic of trust lately, so a lot of the books have been repetitive, but Bruce Scheier takes a totally different perspective. Bruce’s background is in security, and he explains how we function in a society and what leads people to defect from societal norms. What’s interesting is he also discusses why we need people to defect to promote social change, such as historical figures like Rosa Parks who aren’t afraid to break societal norms. Not only does he use philosophical and psychological theory to explain how we trust within societies, but he also covers how trust works within work organizations and why some people may decide to steal or not look out for the best interest of the clients and consumers. It was a really interesting book, and I definitely recommend it.