A review by amandaaurigemma
All Down Darkness Wide by Seán Hewitt

Memorable Quotes:
 The world I had defended - and into which I intertwined myself - did not love me. I knew that now. Still, they had something I wanted: they had stolen my God from me. That idea of God, of a world that, if touched rightly, might 'give off sparks and take fire, yield drops and flow, ring and tell of him', was something I couldn't let go of. I would steal my God back. I would run with him through the burning streets.
I had looked too long into the darkness and the darkness had looked back.
It was unbearable to listen, unbearable to be passive when he was slipping away, unbearable to watch him drowning and not hold out my hand, not to take his, not to try with all my strength to haul him back to the light.
Love was like a moon, waxing and waning - sometimes her depression seemed to eclipse it, other times it seemed to brighten it through the sheer force of contrast.
I thought that perhaps a symbol of hope, even if it were not the real thing, might take hope's place, might masquerade long enough to matter.
The delicate, fragile quality of happiness, I learnt once more, was its briefness.
If I cannot change the structures of the world, if I cannot bend the will of heaven, perhaps I can move the river, perhaps I can move hell.