A review by softstarrynights
The Mandalorian Armor by K.W. Jeter


Se primarily after The Return of the Jedi, The Mandalorian Armour is the first book in The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy but K.W. Jeter. I listened to the audiobook of this, which means I listened to the abridged version, and cannot speak to the book as a whole. That said this is a very interesting book. We follow fan-favourite Boba Fett after being eaten by the Sarlacc, with some flashbacks to his adventures prior to this moment in his life. I don't think the book does a lot in terms of characterisation, but perhaps that will come further in the series (or perhaps it was in the unabridged version, I wouldn't know). Any characterisation that is achieved is mostly done through exploring Fett's relationship with other characters, especially Dengar. But what it's lacking in characterization it makes up for in political intrigue. This book is full of it. I enjoyed political intrigue, and it was handled pretty well, if, perhaps, a little heavy on exposition. The action sequences were very good, and this was enhanced by the use of sound effects in the audiobook. There is a big focus on the Bounty Hunter's Guild, which was very interesting, and exciting to see how this works, and how it does not. Overall this was a very fun, and if you're listening to the abridged audiobook also very short at only three hours, so well worth your time if you are considering this as a future read.