A review by twilliamson
Activation Degradation by Marina J. Lostetter


When I first read Noumenon by Marina J. Lostetter, I remember thinking that she had written a good throwback sci-fi novel, full of familiar tropes reconstituted for a newer audience. Its narrative structure and focus on exploring a lot of big ideas was a highlight of the book, even if I felt like the book held back on exploring each of its ideas to their fullest extent. I thought warmly that I'd try another of Lostetter's books and hoped she continued writing.

Fast forward to 2021's Activation Degradation, and it suddenly feels like Lostetter is writing with all cylinders firing. Her book is full of human warmth, exploring deeply philosophical ideas about human life, about alien societies, about community, relationships, family, and she isn't pulling any philosophical punches. Her characters are complex, her story rich, her symbolism grotesque but satisfyingly meaningful, and her book is just real fucking good.

Activation Degradation proves Lostetter fucking understands the assignment, and it's a goddamned excellent book, whether it be because of its diverse cast of representation, its commitment to exploring the human condition through adverse conditions, or its clear-eyed criticism of human society.

This book fucking rocks. Ten out of frickin' ten.