A review by jennifermreads
Far from the Tree by Robin Benway


After giving her own baby up for adoption, Grace goes in search of her birth family. Finding her two siblings Joaquin and Maya widens her world and brings her joy in going from an only child to a middle sibling. But each of the three have had different paths following their being given up by the birth mother.

Settle in comfortably because you will crack the cover of this book and then not want to move until you reach the last page. Oh, and have a box of Kleenex sitting nearby. I pulled out the tissues more than once as I whipped through this beautiful story of adoption. Any who know me know how much I adore multi-viewpoint novels. This was a treasure as we get three very different perspectives and storylines on the siblings from a single birth mother. Their paths were varied, their stories vast. The love they find endless – and the definition of “family” is questioned and sculpted into a thing of beauty.