A review by thesilmarillions
Unborn by Daniel Gage


I received this book free from Vanquish Books in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book.

Just the premise was enough to grab me. I mean, birthright theft? What’s not to be intrigued about? And it's what pushed me to finish reading this novel. Nothing is fully explained until the latter half of the book and there were so many threads to weave together, making it a struggle at times, but I'm so glad that I persevered.

The writing was really good. The dialogue needs a bit of work (it felt a bit forced at times), but the action sequences were powerful and you could really get inside both Emma and Cam’s heads. It’s easy to fall into the trap with a third-person perspective with characters overlapping too much and seemingly becoming the same person, but they stayed fairly distinct from one another.

I hope this powerful idea is kept up through the coming books and the characters remain strong. It really is a great book, but it does require some focus to keep the momentum going. It's certainly not a light read. Hopefully with the next book, it’ll make a lot more sense and won’t be as difficult to keep up.