A review by sleepycharlene
The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen


2.5 stars  


The Queen of the Tearling series:
✿ [b:The Fate of the Tearling|22698569|The Fate of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #3)|Erika Johansen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1457023801l/22698569._SY75_.jpg|42216233]★★★★
✿ [b:The Queen of the Tearling|22864842|The Queen of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #1)|Erika Johansen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1461864815l/22864842._SY75_.jpg|24267689]★★
✿ [b:The Invasion of the Tearling|22698568|The Invasion of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #2)|Erika Johansen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1461864829l/22698568._SY75_.jpg|42216232] Currently unsure if I will continue with the series

This book took forever to finish.

There were a lot of things that made me not like this book that much.
- Kelsea was kinda annoying
- Mace was not nice to Kelsea half the time like bro she's the queen don't be mean
- The constant jumping to the past was annoying and dragged the story
- The entire story was dragged out too much
- Kelsea is a girl who was given an impossible task and everyone around her constantly either drags her down or acts like she is a stupid little girl
- The anti-religion makes me a little uncomfortable because I am religious but I understand the message of absolute power corrupts absolutely but shit
- Why are the black people in this book still treated less than??? Like the country Caderese is basically an Arabic type nation that has dark skinned people and compared to the people of Tearling they are treated less than.
- Also I'm tired of slavery being a book plot where the black people are still under the thumb of the oppressor and white people are either saved or don't even go through slavery???
-Actually I'm just tired of slavery being a book plot period
- Theres no romance. Like Kelsea deserves to fall in love or whatever like just let me girl love.
- Dont @ me saying the Fetch is her romance because we both know:
1. The Fetch is a stupid name
2. He is at least 300 years old so thats gross
3. Hes 100% not a good person or will remotely be a good person to be her boyfriend let alone KING
4. THE FETCH. Like if you had to choose a cool badass assassin/thief name and you choose something that stupid like we cant talk. boy bye.

Things I liked
- Kelsea is a boss ass bitch
- Kelsea is a not an idiot (despite what every man in the entire book thinks)
- Mace is dope
- The message that women are not just put on this earth to breed and have sex with
- That sometimes there are no choices
- Feminist views shine bright in this one

This wasn't a thought out review but idc this book made my brain melt with frustration and anger.
I don't know yet if I will continue on in the series. Maybe because there is only one book left.

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