A review by trike
Crowded, Vol. 2 by Christopher Sebela


This is just absolutely bonkers in the best way. It is such an over-the-top takedown of our culture that it is a continual joy with each reveal. It’s like The Purge meets Idiocracy* by way of The Informant! as directed by Guy Ritchie.

Just the notion that there is an assassination app called Reapr is great, so of course there is the protection app called DFend, which naturally results in hijinks, but all the other wacky apps really underscore the insanity and bullshit of the gig economy.

The background gags are a delight, too. One billboard advertises “Marie’s Condos: Minimum Space, Maximum Joy.” By the time we get to a multilevel marketing scheme that’s all about distributing guns like Amway or Mary Kay, you start thinking, “Yeah, of course, that makes total sense.”

And I have to say, it’s been a long time since I have enjoyed loathing a character as much as I do Charlie, the girl who is the target of the Reapr campaign. She’s such a wonderfully terrible, awful person, but you can kind of understand why she’s so shitty.

This whole thing is demented and great, and it’s not wrong about us.

* Read the source: [b:The Marching Morons|2300110|The Marching Morons|C.M. Kornbluth|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327523964l/2300110._SY75_.jpg|2306446].