A review by mellamaron
So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti


I will start off with: Brooke. There were times (a LOT of times) when I was simply like, "Are you kidding me girl? I really just want to slap you silly." But there were other times when I liked her a bit - most of those times were when she was with John. John brought out the best in her.

Honestly, I HATED the fact that she was a "genius" who deliberately didn't try in school. That angers me SO MUCH. But I love the girl who was so fascinated with the world around her, who kept looking up. Like I said, I liked the girl she was when she was with John.

And so, I come to John. Can I have him, please? He was absolutely adorable and
SpoilerI knew from the moment we met him that he was head over heels in love with Brooke. Totally obvious. I was so happy when he finally confessed to her. Thank you!!
I loved his energy and the way he saw the world. Props to Colasanti for making such an interesting male.

And I also surprisingly loved Sadie. I don't particularly get attached to the side characters as much in romances but Sadie was insanely wonderful. She was creative and beautiful in body and soul. I loved the idea of the warm fuzzies.

I only wish I could read more about John and Brooke, and of course Sadie. I really wish I could have had like... five more chapters. Heck, can we just have another book? (I'm only asking because you know, I want more John. Obviously.)

SpoilerWait!! I have to mention something! Did anyone else think Ree (was that her name?) needed a background plot? Because I was totally ready for her to come out and be like, "By the way, my sister's name is Brooke? Yeah, you're my sister..." Brooke did mention that their hair color was the same. I know I was assuming but who knows? Her dad might have had a fling. I was definitely thinking that was going to pop up. In the end, when Ree didn't even show up again, I was quite sad. Why even put her in the book if you don't give her some screen time?