A review by moonlight2
Fabulous in Tights by Hal Bodner


Fabulous in Tights is a simple easy read, transporting us into this alternate universe. With a fun premise, the novel delves into a world we do not see very often, having a gay superhero as the protagonist. Using many campy references and snarky jokes, we get to hear the many innermost thoughts of our imperfect and flawed hero. The descriptive imagery lets us imagine how everything plays out, set in plain language to be accessible and uncomplicated. Rather than starting with an origin story to ease us into the narrative, we are thrust right into the action, and just as quickly cut off with the abrupt ending. There is definitely more to unpack in the characterizations, especially after the reveal at the end, but while the escapist fantasy has the typical elements of a superhero story, and the plot is quite predictable, we can see how it could be extended into a series. Thank you NetGalley and Crossroad Press for the ARC!