A review by kaje_harper
A Study in Spectres by Jess Faraday


This book contains the first 2 of 8 short stories that make up the arc for Simon Pearce, a Constable in Scotland Yard in the 1880s. Simon is a modern man, with a bent for science and evidence, and a disdain for superstition. He's also a gay man, although he has to hide that deeply, in this era when it's enough to get a man sent to prison, just on the suspicion.

In this volume, Simon tackles two cases, both of which challenge his ability to think logically and pursue evidence. He's hampered by the laziness and greed of his superiors and some fellow coppers, many of whom want to close cases as easily as possible, without regard to the actual facts. The actual mysteries are fairly simple, but presented with a feel for the era, a wry humor, and a sense of a man ahead of his times, trying to do a better job than circumstances allow.

The series does develop romance, and eventually an HEA, at the end of 4 volumes, but this one has just the smallest beginning to that arc. Simon thinks occasionally about hearing of two men who live together, in a hidden long-term relationship. But his only experiences have been rapid and dangerous fumbles with anonymous partners, usually paid for their trouble, in the dark streets of London. Meeting someone he actually would want to talk to as well as sleep with will take a sea-change in how he sees his life.

I enjoyed this series, although I think you do need the full set to feel satisfied with where Simon ends up. The historical detail felt vivid and well-researched, and I came to really like Simon. Recommended for readers who enjoy the historical, and a touch of simple mystery, as well as the romance.