A review by sarahs_bookish_life
Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes by Sue Watson


This authors books are my go to books. If I'm ever in any kind of reading slump or need a pick me up, I know I can always rely on her books to help me block the world outside and lose myself into them, and best of all, they are always really good reads.

In Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes, the author has created yet another wonderful main character, Stella, who could very easily be any one of us. Even though this is a light hearted read, there is an underlying sense of seriousness to the storyline. She manages to write about real scenarios that could happen, and may well have happened to a lot of us but manages to keep it all upbeat.

Straight from the start I could easily relate to Stella, working full time yet beating herself up over missing out on so many things that others take for granted, like being able to pick up your own child from school. What parent hasn't felt like that at some point. It wouldn't be so bad even if you enjoyed your work, but unluckily for Stella she has the boss from hell who seems to have it in for her.

Everything just seems to spiral downwards for Stella. Luckily for her though she has the fabulous support of her two wonderful friends, Lizzie and Al.

Be warned, cakes feature heavily in this book. Stella bakes to distress as well as eating a lot of sweet things as she is a bit of an emotional eater. Her baking seems to be her saviour though. Through the authors descriptions I could almost smell that wonderful smell of baking as well as had my mouth watering. There are also some recipes at the end of the book for any budding bakers out there that fancy having a go at making them.

Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes is a wonderful story that is funny, sweet and up lifting. If it was a cake, it would be one of those really gooey and scrumptious ones that you would want to devour in one go, yet savour the flavour for a very long time!