A review by lolasreviews
The Calling by Kelley Armstrong


First finished this book 22 April 2012. Re-read in April 2013.

Book 2 in the Darkness Rising triligy is almost as good as book 1. It's a great book and I loved every second of it. In this book we get to know the characters better, learn more about their supernatural heritage and we get even more questions. The book just made me want to keep reading, because I had to know what was going to happen.

This book contains more action than book 1 and where book 1 was still a bit of an introdcution the story really picks up in this book. We do get some of the questions from book 1 answered, but even more questions arise.

I also think this book had more of the same feel as the Darkest powers trilogy. There was more running around and wondering about the experiment, while they gradually find out more. I do think there was a bit too much running around. But I loved learning more about the experiment.

The character where great and I always love seeing character development and this book had a lot of that. I still think Maya is a great lead character and in this book she shows even more of her strenght. We also get to know the other characters so much better, I was really surprised by some information we got about the other characters. I really liked getting to know more about the other characters. And I can't wait to see what happens to them next. I really felt for all the characters, all of them are great.

To conclude: A great book, I really loved it. I loved where the story goes and seeing the characters develop. I am really looking forward to book 3 and how the author is going to wrap this series up.