A review by smiley_kylie
Tower Lord by Anthony Ryan


As much as I enjoyed Blood Song, Tower Lord had me far less captivated.

It isn't a bad book - it is well written, has an interesting plot, and follows cool characters. My struggle is with the switch from a single POV (Vaelin) in the first book to multiple POVs in this book. Normally, that would be fine with me if it enhanced the story or added to the main character's plot. This instead feels more like flipping between four independent stories that happen to be set in the same world/time. There were a series of battles to conclude this book, but it feels very much like its main purpose is to set up for the next book (that's what I'm hoping anyways!).

I will say, Lyrna was a character I was hoping to see more of after reading Blood Song, so I am happy she is one of the POVs in Tower Lord. I enjoyed her character arc the most.