A review by some_okie_dude27
Daredevil: Born Again by Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli

"A man without hope is a man without fear."

I pick on Frank Miller a lot, mainly because people give him the lion's share of credit for revitalizing Batman for the modern age with titles like Batman: Year One (which I do recommend by the way) and The Dark Knight Returns despite the fact that guys like O'Neil and Adams were already putting out work that brought the Caped Crusader back to his gothic noir roots. But the character that Miller really revitalized was the character of Daredevil, and for that he deserves all of the credit for giving this formerly C-note Marvel hero new life.

He took a rather generic swashbuckler and made him into Marvel's version of Batman. Though Miller made Daredevil grungier, more dangerous, and more sexy with his hard boiled noir take on the character. While Frank has faltered hard over the years, you can count on him to be on tip top shape when writing Daredevil, and I'd say that Born Again is the apotheosis of his storied career with the Man With No Fear.

I think it's fair to say that Born Again, along with Year One, is one of Frank's most polished stories. It has none of the more goofy aspects that plague some of his other works, such as blocky, ugly art work, ridiculous characters, and an obsession with tough guys and prostitutes. I suppose that he's like Morrison where he writes extremely well when he has a good editor to rein him in. Much like his contemporary Alan Moore, Miller, at his best, finds a way to make this world of superheroes and gods walking among us feel like a real and 'lived in' universe. The character dynamics and themes of death and rebirth still hold true all of these years later, and Miller manages to find a way to weave these themes into the story without feeling too preachy or heavy-handed.

The biggest strength of this book, and the thing that Frank Miller understands so keenly about the character of Matt Murdock is that he is someone who will never give up, despite all of the things you could throw at him. It's his perseverance that keeps him from completely breaking under the constant pressure that's thrown his way. Matt Murdock's life and existence is completely and ruthlessly stripped from him as the story moves along, yet Murdock continues to push on. It is this where the Kingpin makes his fatal mistake: once you've taken everything from a man, you will have made him into someone without anything to lose.

Much like Year One, Miller paces Born Again at an almost pitch perfect speed. He does have his habit of repetition littered through the story, but it isn't bothersome as it is in some of his other stories. Frank understands Daredevil well, and he has a keen mind for what makes Daredevil tick. It's this understanding that makes his Daredevil stories, including this one, so appealing. In his own words:

"How many superheroes are known for what they can’t do? I mean Superman can fly, lift a building and all that, Batman’s ridiculously smart and he’s got all the technology in the world, and Spider-Man can spin webs and swing across buildings. Daredevil, he’s blind. He can’t see. That’s his distinguishing feature."

The other great feature in this comic is David Mazzucchelli's stunning artwork, it retains that cartoon-like, yet grounded style that was so prevalent in Year One. Yet the artwork looks cleaner, crisp, and filled with personality. It takes a different approach from the gothic noir tones of Batman: Year One. He makes New York into a far grungier, dirtier place, yet he also gives it life and personality. Mazzucchelli's New York is a place brimming with character, while also being grimy and disgusting as well. Mazzucchelli might have outdone himself with this story.

It is not perfect though, as no story ever is. The climax of the story is considerably overblown in complete contrast to the more personal tone that the series takes. It sadly isn't as grounded as the brilliant climax in Miller and Mazzucchelli's other collaboration in Year One. The final battle is rather over the top and has a deranged nutcase who's obsessed with America trying to kill Matthew Murdock and his love interest Karen Page. But luckily it is saved by a fittingly quiet ending that serves the narrative well. With that being said, the climax is the only reason that this story isn't a 5 star read for me.

Despite its faults and the fact that I hold Year One to still be superior, Born Again proves to be one of Miller's, alongside the Man Without Fear's finest outings.

Happy Darecember everyone!