A review by banana29
Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem by Steve Niles, Dave Wachter, Matt Santoro


Set in World War II, our main character struggles to help his grandparents make ends meet. To keep the village safe, a tiny clay man is given to the grandson and he is told to "Get to know it." Although it's purpose is at first confusing, grandfather explains that "...sometimes it takes monsters to stop monsters." This story was originally released in 3 parts but the beautiful collector's edition is spectacular to behold printed in high quality, glossy paper. There is even a couple pages at the end from Dave Wachter's sketchbook. This story is so short that it could easily be categorized as a picture book and often the framing bleeds across the page. Like [b:The Arrival|920607|The Arrival|Shaun Tan|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312827620s/920607.jpg|905641] Breath of Bones crosses historical, mythological and fantasy boundaries bringing this powerful legend to a state of modern belief. I would recommend this to anyone who is learning about the horrors of war for the first time or to anyone who can appreciate humanity's ability to find light even in the darkest of times.