A review by sanaastoria
Owl and the City of Angels by Kristi Charish


[4 Stars] This book wasn't quite good as the first in the series, but it was still really fun! I'm planning on doing a full video review for it, but I'm happy to say a few things here as well.

Things I liked about this book: the seriously action-packed plot that always kept me on my toes, seeing more about World Quest and Carpe because I think it was always going to obvious that I would love Carpe, getting to know various other supernatural creatures, and Owl developing a little bit more. Seriously though if there is one thing I can really praise this book for it is the plot. It was even crazier than the first book. It was so crazy that sometimes things were a little too much if you know what I mean, particularly at the end, but I still loved all the craziness. World Quest and Carpe continue to intrigue me. I need to know MORE about both of them, and I think we definitely will see more World Quest in the next book.

Things I didn't like about this book: even though Owl has progressed somewhat in this book she is still rash and completely contradicts herself half of the time which is frustrating, I don't really get the romance and find Rynn to be so bland, and finally the latter half of this book was just a little too busy and could have been tightened up some. I flew through the first half of this book, and if the second half had been as good as the first this might have been a 4.5 or 5 star book. There were just a few toooo many crazy things going on, and if they had been dialed back just a little bit it would have made for a better story. May be not even that, may be if they were a little bit more deliberate a less rushed it would have been better? Not quite sure but something was just off. I also want to say that I don't really get Rynn and Owl's relationship. I want to FEEL it, but I don't. He's also boring. I'm far more interested in Carpe and desperately need to know more about his backstory. Also, I need to know more about the supernatural world in general. It's still the second book though so I'm not too frustrated about that yet. Hopefully the next book will open things up more. ALSO, hopefully Owl will grow more in the next book. She isn't a super likeable character, and in the first book I honestly just found her to be real and relatable. In this book, I was getting a tad frustrated. She is showing some growth though, and I think in each book we'll see more and more of that.

Overall, I really liked Owl and the City of Angels. It almost went to 3.5 stars from me, but that ending seriously has me excited about the next book. That ultimately bumped it back up to a 4 star rating. This installment isn't perfect by any means. I still liked the first book better, but it was still pretty fun and something a bit different in the UF genre.

[I was sent an ARC of this by the Publisher for an honest review. My video review will be posted here when I put it up on my YouTube Channel InkBonesBooks: NOT UP YET.]